Nityal Living Blog
The Nitya living blog has something for everyone that loves yoga and yoga wisdom. A diverse variety of yoga articles, lifestyle advice, and meaningful poetry make it a great destination for yoga enthusiasts and those looking to learn more about its potential benefits.
On a Rainy Day
On a rainy day like today I feel called from my desk to sit in my rocking chair, the same rocking chair my mother rocked me in in when I was an infant, and sit looking out into the gray fuzzy morning. I'd cradle my warm cup of tea, tea that a friend gave me, and each...
A Winter Deep Relaxation Story for Children
Lie flat on your back and close your eyes. Breathe into your legs, hold your breath and squeeze your legs tight, tight, tight - let them go...ah! Now breathe into your hands and make them into fists, squeeze your arms and hold your breath - let them go...ah! Put your...
Meditation on 12/12/12
I went outside this morning to connect to Mother Earth and Father Sky. I laid out a quilt and I laid out my body. I aligned my cells to Mother Earth, I connected my Spirit to Father Sky. And I watched the clouds, I watched and heard the birds. I've been holding onto a...
Mind-full-ness Yoga
Mind - Full - Ness Being present in the space of each perfect moment of life is to walk The Path of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Gurus, and Yogis throughout the course of time. It is not difficult to begin the journey on this Path. It is not difficult to stop and begin to...
This Golden Moment
We stand up from our cushions, our altars, our places of peace and the security of home. We walk out into the day of traffic, meetings, shopping, driving, and seemingly endless doing. How do we maintain that center of peace we evoke in our practice with this barrage...
Change is the point at which we have a choice to grow - Embracing - Surrendering - Allowing This very Now Moment is the seed from which the next moment connects. In the darkness of the Unknown breathe - Breathe - Release. In the dawning Light of Acceptance, breathe -...
With Gratitude
Saturday November 10, 2013 was the day of the "Yoga with Nitya" DVD release party. We held this momentous celebration in the same beautiful room where the DVD was filmed at the Orchard House School. It was humbling to see so many families come out to show their...
Yoga with Nitya for Kids Trailer
I'm pleased to announce the release of my new instructional yoga DVD for kids! Interested? Check out the trailer below.