Weekly Menu – Get Inspired!

I will try to remember to post this every week. On Fridays I make the menu for the next 6 – 7 days. I do this because I then can make my grocery list and hit the Saturday farmer’s market where I buy 80% of what I need then off to Ellwood’s local market, Trader Joes,...

Approaches for Helping Kids Deal with Stress

I have been blessed by teaching 2 children private classes in their homes. The first is a young boy with anger management issues. We will call him Z. I am teaching him to breathe as a tool to feel in control when the world around him feels out of control. Each yoga...

Climbing the Jewel Tree

As a child on a Spiritual Path we first stand at the Roots of the Jewel Tree. We look up in Wonder and that is the moment of Realization. We suddenly see beyond our limited reality. We begin to climb and discover the first easily accessible branches. These are the...

On a Rainy Day

On a rainy day like today I feel called from my desk to sit in my rocking chair, the same rocking chair my mother rocked me in in when I was an infant, and sit looking out into the gray fuzzy morning. I’d cradle my warm cup of tea, tea that a friend gave me, and each...

Meditation on 12/12/12

I went outside this morning to connect to Mother Earth and Father Sky. I laid out a quilt and I laid out my body. I aligned my cells to Mother Earth, I connected my Spirit to Father Sky. And I watched the clouds, I watched and heard the birds. I’ve been holding onto a...