If You Tune, You Hear the Music

In the classic book, To Know Your Self by Sri Swami Satchidananda one of the chapters is called If You Tune, You Hear the Music. I wonder if what we are mostly tuned into isn’t static, white noise, and the vrittis or monkey mind or the chaos of our minds. I wonder if...

Your Power to Thrive

The mind is a powerful tool. The mind can hold onto memories of experiences from childhood. The mind can inspire you or depress you depending on what is going on. When we experience pain, when our hearts are broken, when we feel abandoned or rejected especially as...

I Am But Clay

At the beginning of this year, one dark, cold, rainy morning I sat in front of my altar meditating. The heavy weight of grief from a relationship that had ended and the realization that for the first time in over two decades I was alone again muddied my mind as I...


I have never been one to sky gaze at nightPerhaps it is because I was raisedUnder the orange sky of the city,Or more likely this,That to look at the vast expanse Of black strung with a myriad of starsThat were mapped and named And even traveled to is an overwhelmOf...

The Magic of Imagination

What many of you may not realize is that I live in an imaginary world. I do. It’s okay. It’s a really happy place. Actually many of your children may know it well because I share it with them. We all have an idea of what it looks like, what the characters look like...

How We See Our World Reflected Through Us

It was Caroline Myss, acclaimed medical intuitive, who spoke of the time of the Great Depression and from that period the birth of the polio epidemic in which we then voted in President Roosevelt, a man afflicted by polio himself. When the Depression lifted it was no...