Answer yourself this: are you always tired? do you struggle to get up in the morning? do you struggle just to get through the day? do you ache to stop? do you ache for your life to be something other than what it is? do you feel disconnected from your self, your...
Finding OM

Finding OM

Om will empty my mind so I can listen. I hear my heart open and flow like a river full of emotion, love, and compassion. I learn to navigate like a life surfer, a wave rider, a mystic of the seas. I can sit and listen to the stories in my bones, and I can hear the...

Recommended Reading List

Reading a book is pure decadence and a gift I’ve given myself. In fact, I bought all the books that were recommended to me over the past years. I’ve kept a good list and now they are stacked on the coffee table. Used, of course, so I can feel the hands and eyes of...


It is not cold, far from it, summer holds heat for as long as she can in bright harshness that prickles my skin, sweat trickling down my brow. At times life abruptly brings everything to a pause as if you’d been a run on sentence desperate for a comma, a semi colon,...

Little Pauses

What is Your Motivator? Your day begins with an alarm and is propelled forward by the dictates of who you live with, where you work, the people you are appointed to meet. The landscape of each day moves you as you follow along obediently to meet your obligations....

Inspire Yourself

Seriously, have you hit a wall of information overload? Do you feel like most of your day is spent in front of a screen managing your kid’s virtual schooling or your own job online? Do you feel like there is so much information coming at you that it’s all just...