3 Stories to Be Inspired By

To be a kid’s yoga teacher you need to love 2 things a whole lot, yoga and kids. Some yoga teachers recoil and run in the other direction at the thought of teaching kids. For me and the Nitya Living teachers though, we run into the room and are eager to take on the...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for November

Ah, November, early winter according to the Chinese Calendar, begins on the 7th and we shift into colder days and the holiday season. In India Diwali is celebrated on this New Moon. #6 Star is in the North West where the annual 1 Star resides. Oh, great abundance!...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for October – Doggy Dog Month

Pay special attention this month as we are moving into the Month of the Dog in the Year of the Dog, and the message, the lessons for you for 2018 is going to play itself out in the next 4 weeks. Be very mindful and aware of relationships, interactions, events, and...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for September 2018

Flying Stars Feng Shui September 8th – Month of the Yin Metal Rooster If Metal is not a favorable element in your Chinese Astrology, then you may be plagued with lung and skin ailments this month. Being around Water will help drain any excess but ultimately, you’ll...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for August 2018

Flying Stars Feng Shui  August 7th – Month of the Yang Metal Monkey If Metal is not a favorable element in your Chinese Astrology, then you may be plagued with lung and skin ailments this month. Being around Water will help drain any excess but ultimately, you’ll want...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for July 2018

It’s the Month of the Sheep in the Year of the Dog which means there is a lot of Earth energy, Yin and Yang – Sand and Mountain. Just look at this year, halfway through now, and how this double Yang Earth may feel like a huge mountain blocking you like a great wall of...