Flying Stars Feng Shui for December 2019

Time to reflect back on November as it nears its end next week. Did you see the year 2019 playing out? Lessons magnified? Truths emphasized in stereo surround sound? I know I did. There was a moment when I stopped and wondered hat was going on, followed by that big...

Year of the Golden Rat 2020

Year of the Metal Rat January 25th 2020 – February 12th 2021 The beginning of the Metal Rat year is the New Moon on January 25. Ac, 2020. According to the Chinese calendar this is the 4705th year. The actual first day of the New Year is the beginning of the Tiger...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for November 2019

November 8th brings us to a very critical junction in our year, the Month of the Pig in the Year of the Pig. Whatever journey you have had this year culminates into one big message in the coming 4 weeks. Have you been able to find comfort within the discomforts of...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for October 2019

October 9th ushers in our month of the Dog who is our ally for justice and righting wrongs. Yang Earth with Yang Wood sitting on top is a conflicted pairing like a mighty tree being felled in the forest to decompose on the ground. A good time to add a little Fire into...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for September

September is the month of the Rooster, Yin Metal which is the West where in Feng Shui our area for children, pro-creation, creativity and productivity resides. In the body, Yin Metal presents itself as skin, hair and nails. The Rooster is cocky, a show off,...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for August 2019

August is the month of the Monkey and like May when we wrangled with the Snake, the Monkey and Pig do not get along. Monkeys are worn out by the Pig. Its a game to these two as Monkey swings from one thing to the next full of tricks and mirth, the Pig will try to...