by Nitya Griffith | Mar 31, 2022 | Blog
The Flying Stars is an advanced system of Feng Shui used for thousands of years. It recognizes the pattern of energy impressed upon every home and building the year it was built. Think of it like a building birthday. It is why you see some houses falling apart,...
by Nitya Griffith | Mar 31, 2022 | Blog
It was a long dark winter, and in many ways it felt like it lasted 2 years. Like the acorn that tumbled off the tree, lay dormant under those same tree’s leaves all winter, and took root, so have we. Rooted and perhaps rotted, in our lives we found our own safety and...
by Nitya Griffith | Feb 24, 2022 | Blog
Most of us can say the last couple years were lost years. Time has stood still and moved us all at the same time. That tension felt in the dualism of both what was happening and what we were resisting. This photo from pre-pandemic days when I was doing the amazing...
by Nitya Griffith | Feb 23, 2022 | Blog
As we reflect on the first month of the Tiger year, we remember that the Tiger Month gave us a snap shot of all that 2022 is for us individually as well as collectively. I couldn’t believe all that happened just in the first week! Tiger energy is fast and furious,...
by Nitya Griffith | Jan 27, 2022 | Blog
In January 2021 I was living with death; my father was weakening by the day and so was my beloved dog, Oliver. To say those days were excruciating in their pain is nothing to what I felt for months after they both died within 2 weeks of each other. I landed into...