Flying Stars Feng Shui for July 2022

The Flying Stars is an advanced system of Feng Shui that has been used for thousands of years. It recognizes the pattern of energy impressed upon every home and building the year it was built or last renovated. Think of it like a building birthday. It is why you see...


Contemplate the caterpillar In chrysalis, no longer is it itself. The wall came fast, stopped you hard. Blood slithers down your face. Soup, it’s a gooey transformation Messy as bed hair, messy as a wet dog waiting to come in. There is no way past this wall, this...
Flying Stars Feng Shui for June

Flying Stars Feng Shui for June

The Flying Stars is an advanced system of Feng Shui used for thousands of years. It recognizes the pattern of energy impressed upon every home and building the year it was built or last renovated. Think of it like a building birthday. It is why you see some houses...

Flying Stars Feng Shui May 2022

The Flying Stars is an advanced system of Feng Shui used for thousands of years. It recognizes the pattern of energy impressed upon every home and building the year it was built or last renovated. Think of it like a building birthday. It is why you see some houses...