On the 3rd week of Yoga with Nitya Summer Camp we spent an afternoon in the woods behind the Carillon at Dogwood Dell. The instruction was for the kids to go meditate with nature and listen to the trees and plants respond to them. Some kids heard nothing, some heard...
ON THE MENU THIS WEEK: Tofu Stir Fry on Jasmine Rice with locally grown edamame or if buying frozen look for GMO free label Cube Twin Oaks tofu (GMO-free) and fry in a wok with peanut oil until golden brown, add sliced zucchini, squash, onion and mushroom (all locally...
Recently someone showed me two apps for my i-phone that help me buy more wisely – http://www.fooducate.com/ and http://www.buycott.com/ so now I can scan product before buying to see if the companies support the causes I believe in like GMO labeling or safe...
Why do I eat what I eat? Good question and a whole lot of people have been asking this summer from my adult yoga camp in June to yoga camp in July to teacher training in August . As people learn about what GMO is and try to avoid HFC (high fructose corn syrup),...
In early July, just as the 7th annual Yoga with Nitya Summer Camp was starting I received notice from Becky Crump, Marketing Director, that Ellwood Thompson’s Local Market had selected me as Ambassador of the month. If you were in the store, you might have seen...