The Blood Full Moon high in the sky last night and the leaves just tipping into a new spectrum of color as autumn sweeps in and October is right there waiting at the end of the week. The farmer’s markets are thinning out but there is still plenty to work with to...
Hi there! I just got back from the Forest Hill Farmer’s Market and here is this week’s menu. Feel inspired and let me know if you want recipes!! Saturday – Mock Crab Cakes made with shredded Zucchini. Side of roasted potatoes tossed in olive oil,...
I will try to remember to post this every week. On Fridays I make the menu for the next 6 – 7 days. I do this because I then can make my grocery list and hit the Saturday farmer’s market where I buy 80% of what I need then off to Ellwood’s local...
April marks the 10th anniversary of my being certified as a yoga instructor. This is a momentous and significant commemoration of the journey I have been on as I have grown into becoming Nitya. That first day of teacher training was my birthday, October 21, 2004, and...
Astrological Conflict with the Sheep The worst conflict is Dog and also Ox as Yang Earth clashes with Yin Earth. The conflict may be sudden changes, accidents, movement, and upset. Ox born people, though, will find this to be a favorable year for travel, moving,...