by Nitya Griffith | Jan 29, 2018 | Blog
As a Feng Shui consultant and Chinese Astrologer there is no time of the year I look forward to more, except maybe yoga camp, than the ending of one year and the beginning of a new one. For me this is not just a December 31st ringing of bells and toast of champagne...
by Nitya Griffith | Jan 29, 2018 | Blog
The United States for 2018 As of February 17, 2017 the United States entered into a new Luck Cycle ruled by the Earth Sheep. We are coming out of a decade of the Earth Horse. So what does this mean? Well, the Horse brought out some of the dark side of our moon, the...
by Nitya Griffith | Jan 29, 2018 | Blog
Donald Trump POTUS So, Mr. Trump is in a difficult phase of life. His current Luck Cycle is far from lucky. The visiting animal of a Yin Metal Ox arrived November 15, 2013 and is in place until 2023. The Metal fights with his Yang Fire Dog in the Year Pillar. The Ox...
by Nitya Griffith | Jan 29, 2018 | Blog
Wednesday January 31st offers us a rare Blue Moon, the second Full Moon of the month and it appear reddish orange, a Blood Moon, plus a full Lunar Eclipse. BUT this is not all this powerful event offers, it is also the full moon that marks the end of the Year of the...
by Nitya Griffith | Jan 21, 2018 | Blog, Yoga Wisdom
Yoga with Nitya is now… NITYA LIVING Over the past 13 years my journey as an Integral Yoga teacher, as a children’s yoga teacher has transformed and evolved over and over again from the early years at Just Be Yoga on Main Street to Richmond Kids Yoga, to Yoga with...