Feng Shui for the Month of the Horse 2018

Forecast for the Month of the Horse      Lydia Nitya Griffith is a certified Feng Shui Consultant and Master Chinese Astrologer. With over 15 years experience and clients all over the USA. Schedule a consultation today! A life of greater ease, abundance, harmony, and...

Is There Anybody Out There?

We live in a time of communication overload; over sharing on social media and texting. So much verbal delusion and yet, where is meaningful communication happening? Have we forgotten the gift a phone call to a friend can mean to their day? Have we forgotten what it is...
Spring Poems

Spring Poems

A sampling of some of the poems being published in the upcoming Musings from the Mat; Inspirations and Poems by Lydia Nitya Griffith. Seeds and Dreams   Under the filling moon I saw them, The first sprouts rising up, misted and sparkling like gems. What grows in...

A Dharma Tale: The Onion

A Dharma Tale: The Onion A young man had a small garden behind his cottage. He had enjoyed the bounty of his garden for many years. One day a terrible storm rolled in over the mountains and brought torrential rains to his valley. All of his garden was washed into the...

The Year of the Earth Dog 2018

As a Feng Shui consultant and Chinese Astrologer there is no time of the year I look forward to more, except maybe yoga camp, than the ending of one year and the beginning of a new one. For me this is not just a December 31st ringing of bells and toast of champagne...