Flying Stars Feng Shui for July 2019

The heat of summer is upon us now as we head into July. The one thing I am seeing in this Year of the Pig is the need to connect; whether that is asking for help or offering to help, to spend time with friends or spend time alone with your love. The Pig is social and...

Your Power to Thrive

The mind is a powerful tool. The mind can hold onto memories of experiences from childhood. The mind can inspire you or depress you depending on what is going on. When we experience pain, when our hearts are broken, when we feel abandoned or rejected especially as...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for June

Hopefully you survived May unscathed. All the Annual Stars were doubled for better or worse. Even though I had events cancel, I had a lot of abundance flow through. It definitely was a month of blessings and heartbreaks. So, June is a new flavor to navigate through....

I Am But Clay

At the beginning of this year, one dark, cold, rainy morning I sat in front of my altar meditating. The heavy weight of grief from a relationship that had ended and the realization that for the first time in over two decades I was alone again muddied my mind as I...

Flying Stars Feng Shui for May

Flying Stars is an advanced system of Feng Shui that accounts for the ever shifting energies in the compass directions. The first layer is determined at the time your home was built or last renovated. The next layer are the Annual Flying Stars and then we have...