Flying Star Feng Shui for 2020 A Flying star chart shifts each year and there is usually a mix of positive and negative chi to either activate or remedy. In Period 8 the negative stars are 2, 3, 5, and 7. Proper placement of cures, keeping the rooms dark as in...
Year of the Metal Rat Presidential Candidates If you are born in the Year or Day with a Yin Earth OR Wood Stem, the Rat offers the Nobleman Star to you. The Nobleman sends Angels of protection, support and comfort. This is a Divine Blessing ensuring 2020 will be one...
Donald Trump POTUS 2020 As of 2013 President Trump has literally been under attack. His Luck Cycle of a Yin Metal Ox is directly affecting his wellbeing, his marriage, and leaving him very vulnerable. There are now Three Punishments that occurring with Sheep, Ox...
The United States for 2020 As of February 17, 2017 the United States entered into a new Luck Cycle ruled by the Earth Sheep. So from 2017 – 2027 The United States will be re-branding itself, finding a new identity, reshaping who we are and how we govern. It is a very...
Time to reflect back on November as it nears its end next week. Did you see the year 2019 playing out? Lessons magnified? Truths emphasized in stereo surround sound? I know I did. There was a moment when I stopped and wondered hat was going on, followed by that big...