Flying Stars Feng Shui for June 2020

June 5th which is also the day of the Full Moon Eclipse begins the month of Ren Wu or Yang Water sitting atop Yin Fire with a little Yin Earth. These are conflicted elements. The big wave of Water is definitely controlling the heat. Does this signal a cooler start to...

Life Whiplash

Life Whiplash There we were on the highway of life going 80 miles an hour. We were in our lane and had hands on the steering wheel. The back seat might have had kids or groceries or other shopping. We had a passenger seat that resembled a make shift office because we...

Separate Together Poems

Being Spring The streets are empty. The air is full of the aroma of suppertime. My walk is a wandering, I know where I am going But there is no time anymore, It’s just now. So there is space to be aimless, And there is room to be mindless, Of course I mean that in the...

Flying Stars Feng Shui Report for May

As I wrote in the previous FS Posts, this year is really aggravating respiration and this is playing out in our homes and places of business as much as it is affecting our health and livelihoods. May 5th is Xin Si or Yin Metal sitting atop the Snake which is...

Flying Stars for April

March began on Thursday the 5th with ALL of the Flying Stars DOUBLED! ALL the energies have been exaggerated and amplified. Then look what happened – BOOM! Quarantines, self-distancing, borders closed, and lives brought to a halt worldwide! Look at the timing of the...