Spring Renewal

March welcomes the Spring Equinox and the end to daylight savings time. Change seems to be in the air, it beckons us outside to feel a warmer sun, to breathe a sweeter air fragranced by the first blooms, to shed layers of clothes and walk more freely. Change comes because it is what life is all about; cycles and circles and transformations. It is easier, perhaps, to witness change, far harder to live through it.

One of the greatest challenges is adapting to moving and more specifically, moving in with someone else. Whether you are taking on a roommate situation, a parent or in-law, or moving in with a lover, you are sure to meet with some big changes. It can be tricky merging different life styles, tastes and preferences. Open communication, compromise and open mindedness are key to making the transition go smoothly. Her are some Feng Shui tips to guide you along the way:

1)     Inventory what you have before moving in together

  1. Make lists of furniture, kitchenware, linens, etc.
  2. Make a list of rooms; deciding which are communally shared or private, depending on the situation

2)     Look at the floor plan of the house with a Feng Shui Ba-Gua

  1. Adhering to the 5 elements of Feng Shui, work out color schemes and design for each room
  2. Now use list of inventory to decide which pieces go where
  3. Decide what goes into storage, is sold or is donated

3)     Set some ground rules everyone can agree on

  1. Cleaning, Clutter and Neatness
  2. Safety and security
  3. Schedules
  4. Pets
  5. Bill paying

Just having these points laid out ahead of time should alleviate stress and set the foundation for a harmonious home life. Feng Shui is all about moving with the energy, going with the flow, adapting to change.

Spring cleaning may inspire you, even if you aren’t moving or taking on a roommate, to give your home and garden a facelift. A good place to start is canvassing art openings in search of some local art, and check out antique stores. It only takes a few new pieces to make a big difference.

Embrace the spirit of spring, and awaken to transformation!
