Annual Afflictions: DO NOT DISTURB with loud sounds, drilling, construction, or deep digging.
Tai Sui or Grand Duke EAST 82.5-97.5 is home to the annual Rabbit and garners supreme power.
San Sha or Three Killings WEST 232.5-307.5 – this sits directly opposite or opposing the East where the Rabbit resides. The people most impacted are those born on the Day or in the Year of the Monkey, Rooster or Dog. To have multiple of these Animals in your chart requires protection and specific cures to ensure your welfare is secures.
The Three Killings can bring financial set back, health issues, and career obstacles. Hardest hit homes are ones that face East with the mountain in the West. Or to have a bedroom or main room you spend time in be in the West.
Sui Po WEST 262.5-277.5 – Impacts just the Rooster as this is a direct hit as far as being directly opposite the Rabbit. AVOID ANY RENOVATIONS, LOUD NOISES, CONSTRUCTION, OR DEEP DIGGING in these afflicted directions of East and West.  

Do Not face East, with the afflicted West at your back. This also is a caution to not drive into your day in an Easterly direction or to sleep with your head toward the East.
Grand Duke is in the East degrees 82.5-97.5 Keep this area of your home and property quiet with no deep digging, banging, construction, or renovation. If you have to have a disturbance happen, say a blessing and put up a 6 rod Metal wind chime to deflect the negative influences. I also like to put an angel or symbol of protection in the afflicted area. Close doors calmly and do not slam.
Cure: Gold Tai Sui Plaque/ Pi Yao Beasties facing into the afflicted direction, and if you have an office here, place 3 Immortals behind you.
Pi Yao facing into the East brings financial protection or use Qi Lin to protect your career. Point them into the 82.5-97.5 direction. If a main entrance, Fu Dogs should be placed on either side of the steps. Fu Dogs protect the family and relationships being more harmonious. If this is a bedroom or room you use a lot in your day, place a salt water cure to absorb any negative chi.  

Three Killings is in the West degrees 232.5-307.5 Keep this area of your home and property quiet with no deep digging, banging, construction, or renovation. If you have to have a disturbance happen, say a blessing and put up a 6 rod Metal wind chime to deflect the negative influences. I also like to put an angel or symbol of protection in the afflicted area. Close doors calmly and do not slam.
Cure: Silver elephant or Dragon Headed Turtle Don’t put your back to the West but rather face it.  

Sui Po in the West 262.5-277.5 Directly opposite the Grand Duke is the Year Breaker or Sui Po. The San Sha or Three Killings is also in the West. The Three afflictions are financial, career, and health. When disturbed any of these can be immediately impacted. Keep this area of your home and property quiet with no deep digging, banging, construction, or renovation. Close doors calmly and do not slam.
Home facing West or East will be the most impacted and the risk is greater for Rabbits, Monkeys, and Roosters.
CURE: Place a Brass Pagoda in a prominent area of this room to appease the Sui Po or a 3 Celestial Beasts Mirror.  
#1 Star of Wealth is in the South West – The SW is the place that most impacts the Sheep and Monkey people born on the day or in the year. The Earth of the South West competes with this Water Star. To mitigate, focus on the element of Metal. This is a beautiful energy to honor marriage/ partnerships and the mother this year.
Best Colors: Add sparkle and glitz, gold and silver, Black and White with Gray. Images of mother are best here.
Avoid: WATER and EARTH, and colors Yellow, Brown, Tan, Peach, Rust, Earth tones, all shades of Blue, Green, Wood, and Fire, RED, violet, fuchsia, orange, and bright colors
Cure: Add a single Gold Ingot on something round and Blue like a plate or piece of fabric for money luck. Display images of mother, and/or the woman of the house. If you have an office located in the SW place a Red Ru Yi Sword to strengthen your career.
#2 Sickness Star is in the East – This malevolent chi is Earth in nature and being in the strong Wood of the East helps to control the 2’s malevolent influence. The Clash of these two elements cannot be assuaged by the mitigator Fire for fear of feeding the Earthy 2, therefore, it is best to focus on nurturing and strengthening the Wood with Water. Keep this room dark and quiet with NO NOISE, no renovations or deep digging.
Especially if you are born in the Day or Year of an afflicted Animal like Rabbit, Rooster, or Rat avoid this as a bedroom, office, or front entrance.
Grand Duke is in the East degrees 82.5-97.5
Keep this area of your home and property quiet with no deep digging, banging, construction, or renovation. Close doors calmly and do not slam.
Cure: Gold Tai Sui Plaque/ Pi Yao Beasties facing into the afflicted direction, and if you have an office here, place 3 Immortals behind you.
Pi Yao facing into the East brings financial protection or use Qi Lin to protect your career. Point them into the 82.5-97.5 direction.
If a main entrance, Fu Dogs should be placed on either side of the steps.
Fu Dogs protect the family and relationships being more harmonious.
If this is a bedroom or room you use a lot in your day, place a salt water cure to absorb any negative chi.
Best Colors: Wood, all shades of green and healthy plants, images of flowers, trees, and landscapes
Avoid: FIRE or METAL, and colors of white, black, gray, Yellow, Brown, Tan, Peach, Rust, Earth tones, all shades of Blue, along with RED, violet, fuchsia, orange, and bright colors
Cures: Bedroom or Front Entrance that cannot be changed should be protected. Front Entrance use Gold Fu Dogs and a Ba-Gua Mirror, and a bedroom a Wu Lou Health Gourd (specific for the EAST is to get a Healing Herbs Wu Lou) and a Salt Water Cure. If your family or office mates start to show an uptick in chronic illness, check this area and see what needs to be remedied. This is the sector on the Ba-Gua that represents family so please remove all pictures of living family members to protect their health and welfare.
If this is a Bedroom or the facing direction of your home, also display a Brass Turtle, or place Tara or Healing Buddha Statue.
Rabbit people, born on the day or in the year, are going to be the most impacted. Keep a DOG talisman close to you throughout the year.
3 Star of Arguments and Disharmony is in the South East – Dragon and Snake people are the most impacted. This negative grumpy Wood Star is very cozy in the Woody South East and is an area to be avoided in 2023. Here you want to avoid meetings, serious conversations, a marital bedroom, or an office. Backstabbing, gossip, slander, adultery, fighting, and disharmony are all more likely to be causing stress and conflict when not treated. This is the area of the Ba-Gua that is all about your health, so please remove any family photos of living family members to keep them safe and well. The 3 Star as we get closer to 2024 will become more dangerous and negative.
Best Colors: RED, violet, fuchsia, bright colors, with some Wood and let the FIRE element drain this negative chi.
AVOID: METAL, WATER and EARTH, and colors white, black, gray, Yellow, Brown, Tan, Peach, Rust, Earth tones, all shades of Blue
Cures: A Red Happy Hotei in a prominent place, red accent pillows, rugs, blanket, etc. Actual Fire as well like incense, fire pit, grill, etc. Remove all clocks, TVs, stereos, musical instruments, wind chimes, etc. from this room.
4 Star of Education and Romance is in the Center – The Center of every building, home, office and educational facility is going to benefit from the 4 Star that promotes good grades and studies, creativity and artistic pursuits, and also romance.
Best Colors: Red, Hot Pink, Violet, and other Fiery colors and prints with images of lovers, love poem, you and your sweetie.
Avoid: Earth as in Yellow, Brown, Tan, Peach, Rust, Wood and shades of Green, Water and shades of Blue, and Metal along with white, gray, and black
Cures: In the Center of your home place a favorite picture of you and your love in a RED frame, and add RED to the Center of the home to mitigate the Clash of Earth an Wood. If there is room, place 4 Stalks of Lucky Bamboo in a RED vase, and create a Love Altar on a RED piece of fabric, images of you and your love, 2 pink Crystal Hearts, a pair of birds, and 2 RED candles. For scholars and artists, place a Red Vase with brushes, pencils, and pens.
5 Misfortune Star is in the North West – This horrible affliction affects people born in the day or in the year of the Dog and Pig. This is the worst of all the Stars and forebodes injury, bankruptcy, sickness, and grave misfortune when disturbed. This Earthy Star in the North West ruled by Metal is weakened in this placement. It is best then to continue to focus on draining this negative chi with Metal. If this is a Kitchen, cover the burners with cookie sheets when not in use. Keep this room dark and quiet with NO NOISE, no renovations or deep digging.
Best Colors: Black, white, gray, silver, gold, and brass, Metal for furnishings or painted white or black with images of mountains, transportation, political figures, and religious imagery all in Metal frames. Some accents of BLUE are also welcome.
Avoid: NO FIRE, NO WOOD, NO EARTH, NO WATER. No colors of Green, Blue, Red, Orange, Hot Pink, Violet, Yellow, Brown, Tan, Peach, Rust.   Cures: Remove all family photos and ensure this is not your front door or bedroom. If you cannot change this arrangement, use the same cures mentioned for the #2 Star: A Brass Wu Lou if this is a bedroom, or a Ba-Gua mirror and Gold Fu Dogs if a main entrance. It is also highly advised to place a Green Jade Pagoda IF you are a Dog or Pig person.
6 Star of Success is in the West – The direction impacting all Rooster people.
What a jackpot to have this money making energy at home in the West. Metal direction and a Metal Star asks that you feed and nourish this positive chi with Earth tones. The West sits opposite to the annual Animal of the Rabbit and is not only the placement of the Sui Po but also the Three Killings. So, enjoy this positive chi but you must adhere to keeping it undisturbed by loud sounds, renovations or deep digging outside.
Don’t put your back to the West but rather face it.
Best Colors: White and Black, Metal is the material for frames and furnishings. Nourish the 6 Star with Earth tones like Yellow, Brown, Tan.
Avoid: Colors like terracotta, peach, rust, peach, beige, also Wood and the colors of green, actual moving Water, colors of Blue, Fire in all of its forms and colors of red, hot pink, orange, and violet.
Cures: 6 Gold Ingots or a Gold Buddha on a large Ingot.
Affliction Cures: Place a Silver Elephant (232.5-307.5) on a desk or table near where conversation takes place. Place a Brass Pagoda (262.5-277.5 ) on the desk or visible place in the room. NOTE the directions these cures are placed.  
A special cure of the 3 Celestials Mirror ensures you can benefit from the good fortune that is predicted to flow in from mentors, benefactors, alliances, friends, and people who can help you.
7 Robbery Star is in the North East – Ox and Tiger people born on the day or in the year are impacted most by the Star of the Broken Soldier. The Earthiness of this direction is feeding the negative Metal 7. This chi promotes backstabbing, arguments that turn violent, injury with sharp objects that can also be surgery, bankruptcy, and business failing. In order to weaken the 7 Star add Water and the color Blue. A front door that faces NE or a NE bedroom ensures some money loss for you in 2023. If there is a Kitchen here, cover the burners with cookie sheets when not in use.
Best colors are White, gray, and all shades of BLUE with Metal accessories.
Avoid: Earth tones like brown, yellow, rust, peach, beige, also Wood and the colors of green, actual moving Water, Fire in all of its forms and colors of red, hot pink, orange, and violet.
CURE: A Black dish filled with rice and a single Chinese Coin with a blood stone sitting atop the coin to absorb the negativity and protect finances. This is the area of the Ba-Gua ruled by the Father, please remove all pictures of the men in the house to ensure their safety and wellbeing. Protect your wealth by displaying a Blue Elephant/ Rhino statue.
8 Star of Wealth is in the South – Horse people are impacted by this good fortune. The Fire of the South feeds and bolsters the Earthy nature of the 8 Star. This is the best direction of 2023 and an area to keep well lit and active.
Best colors: Red, Fuchsia, Violet, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Tan, Pink, Peach, and Terracotta. Crystals, stones, pottery, porcelain, and Fire like incense, fire pit, grill, and kitchen are all welcome.
Avoid: Wood and colors of Green, Water and colors of Blue, Metal and colors of white, gray, and black.
Cures: Hang 8 Chinese Coins from the front door or window, and 8 amethyst crystal balls in a square or triangular dish. Another cure would be 8 Red silk flowers in an Earthenware vase. Place a Red Phoenix statue or image in a prominent place OR a fun new cure I have seen a The Wealth Cabbage statue – Bai Chok for wealth.
9 Star of Future Wealth is in the North – The North impacts those born on the Day or Year of the RAT. A conflict of Fire and Water means mitigating with Wood will make this another great area of your home or office. This is the room for planning, dreaming, and preparing for future projects, investments, etc. With Period 9 approaching in 2024, this Star is gaining in strength and potency.
Best Colors: Wood furnishings, Purple, Violet, Eggplant, and all shades of Green.
Avoid: Water and colors of Blue, Metal, white, gray, and black, Earth tones like Yellow, Orange, Brown, Tan, Pink, Peach, and Terracotta. No actual Fire or Red, orange, or hot pink.
Cures: A Vision Board is ideal here to activate and set the intention for all you hope to manifest in 2023. Place 9 Purple silk flowers in a Green vase in a prominent place. If you have a Northern facing house and/or bedroom put a Red Arowana or Carp Fish in a prominent place.