September 7th we are influenced by the Yin Wood Rooster. The Rooster is Yin Metal and the Yin Wood on top conveys the image of a small knife cutting flowers, or perhaps it is less benevolent since Metal and Wood conflict with each other, Wood is injured by the Metal. The Rooster is cocky, a show off, a flashy dresser, and demands the center of attention. The Rat of our 2020 is far more discerning, diplomatic, and cultured. The two meet at a party and Rat finds his friends and disappears to a corner of the room where Roosters loud boasting can be ignored. Such is the mood of September – find your tribe, avoid those who ruffle your feathers, and keep good company.

#1 Star is in the Center with the Annual 7 Star. After months of contention radiating from the Center of every home and business, we finally get a reprieve. The 1 Star is a Water Star and drains the negativity of the 7 Star enough to tamper its wrath of fighting, disharmony, discord, an uprising, and aggravated lung/ respiratory health. The 7 Star also leans towards the greater likelihood of surgery, being cut by knives and sharp objects.
CURE: BLUE is the color to splash into the Center to give the 1 Star more mojo. Hang an image or words of peace, prayer, or blessing in a Black or White frame.

The 4 Star with the annual 1 Star in the North East eases the terror from last month’s upset. Now romance blooms, creativity flows, and success can be cultivated. There is a flow of elements here from Watery 1 to Woodsy 4 but the Earthy NE tries to control all of this so add a mitigator of Metal to complete the cycle of relating.
CURE: The best annual cure to keep in place is the Gold Ingot placed on something Blue and for now we add a lush plant with 2 pink heart crystals for love and romance or a jar of pens and brushes for creativity.

The 8 Star moves into the East with the Annual 5. The 8 Star is Earthy like the 5 Star, both are strong Stars but weakened by the East’s Wood nature. The 5 Star is horrific enough to not really pay much heed to the benevolence of the 8 Star. The 8 Star is all about wealth and money, so the 5 Star being disturbed here in any way could result in catastrophic financial upset like evictions, bankruptcy, and unemployment. AVOID THIS AREA AT ALL COSTS. DO NOT disturb. NO renovations, banging, digging, or noise of any kind including TV or placement of stereo system. NO FIRE as in a grill or fire pit. CURE: Hang a 6 rod Metal wind chime outside the Eastern corner of your home, close doors and windows here. If it is a main entrance and you can’t use any other, place a Ba-Gua mirror on the door, and Fu Dogs flanking the front entrance. If a bedroom and there is no alternative for where to sleep, put a Wu Lou Health Gourd by the bedside table and a Salt Water Cure under the bed. If this is a Kitchen cover the burners with cookie sheets when the stove is not in use. The placement of several healthy lush plants will also help along with images of landscapes and flowers. NO pictures of anyone you know, includign your own self and family.

#9 Star is in the South East with the Annual 6 Star brings celebration, happy gatherings, and future successes to this area that has benefited this year from the 6 Star’s qualities of wealth and career good fortune. CURE: Place a Brass or Gold Hotei Buddha with a healthy plant in a prominent place. Mitigate the Clash of Wood and Metal here with turquoise, and blue colors. For September add a Vision Board or images of things you want to manifest in the next 4 weeks.

#5 Star joins the Annual 2 Star in the South along with the Three Killings and Sui Po. THE WORST ROOM OF THE MONTH. DO NOT disturb this room inside and outside with any renovations, digging, loud noises or banging. Use an alternative entrance if a front door, sleep in another room, and keep this room dark, closed off and quiet. NO FIRE. If this is a Kitchen be very mindful of the increased chances of food poisoning, choking, digestive disorders, stomach flu, etc. If anything can go wrong…CURE: If it is a main entrance and you can’t use any other, place a Ba-Gua mirror on the door, and Fu Dogs flanking the front entrance. If a bedroom and there is no alternative for where to sleep, put a Wu Lou Health Gourd by the bedside table and a Salt Water Cure under the bed. If this is a Kitchen cover the burners with cookie sheets when the stove is not in use. Shhhhh

#7 Star is in the South West with the Annual 4 Star. The 7 Star here coupled with the 4 Star suggests surgery, backstabbing, gossip and financial loss that is directed towards couples, creativity, education, and will more greatly impact a business or home that faces SW. CURE: Remove any personal photos as you may become under attack of this negativity. Metal with Blue are the elements to play with this month.

#3 Star is in the West where the Annual 9 Star is visiting. The 3 Star is weak and loses most of its power in the West ruled by the element of Metal. 9 Star makes this a great place for innovative planning, collaborations with future plans of manifesting abundantly. Just be mindful of discord with partners and know that collaborations may be fraught with some infighting right now. CURE: 9 Yellow flowers

#2 Star is in the North West with the Annual 8 Star makes for some contention. The potential is here for success, wealth, but also some sickness that targets the digestion. The Earthy 2 Star of Illness is weakened by the Metal energy of the NW but still can pack a punch if thsi area is disturbed or fueled by any Fire. CURE: In a prominent place put 8 silk Yellow silk flowers, a string of 8 Chinese Coins, and ensure this room is QUIET, no banging or digging, no Fire.

#6 Star in the North with the Annual 3 Star. The grumpy, argumentative 3 Star meets with the successful and abundant 6 Star. There is much to be gained here this month. CURE: Red Happy Hotei in a prominent place. Add greens and healthy plants. Focus on BLUE colors.