Yoga with Nitya is now…

Over the past 13 years my journey as an Integral Yoga teacher, as a children’s yoga teacher has transformed and evolved over and over again from the early years at Just Be Yoga on Main Street to Richmond Kids Yoga, to Yoga with Nitya. In that time I have released a DVD and published 3 books; a Child’s Journey into Yoga, The Yogaville Coloring Book, and The Yoga with Nitya Cookbook. I have trained over a dozen people to teach kids yoga in Virginia and New York with my original songs, stories and unique approach to incorporating yoga philosophy into the classroom.

A couple years ago at the National Kid’s Yoga Conference in D.C. I was approaching the Yoga with Nitya booth and noticed that the table top sign was my face, the banner skirting the table was my face, all over the table was my face. I wondered if this truly was how I saw Yoga with Nitya or was it more how I had presented my business to the public. And so over these past couple years, having reached the milestone age of 50, and really taking a step back to get a better perspective, I can see so clearly exactly where I am going now with this amazing work I do and that is towards a collaborative. I am no longer the face of Nitya Living but rather collectively, all of my teachers are part of our brand.

But this didn’t come easily, this revelation. I had gotten increasingly stuck and frustrated being an entrepreneur carrying this incredible business on my own shoulders alone. A colleague and friend came to dinner one night in September and I shared with her how I was struggling. She spoke truth to me; hard, in your face TRUTH. My ego was having a tirade in my head but my heart said, “LISTEN.” I truly began to feel that what she was saying was a message from the Universe. She was giving me the answers I had long been seeking. Within a week I had mapped out on paper the direction my business needed to take, I secured the new domain name and began seeking a web designer. In just 3 months I am now releasing Nitya Living, a holistic business offering kid’s yoga classes and camps, women’s retreats, teacher training, other yoga programs and also hi-lighting my work as a Feng Shui consultant and Master Chinese Astrologer. Our services are designed to inspire, to educate, to heal, and to better the lives of all of our students and clients.

I have also hired my first employee, Scout Ries, who many of your kids know from yoga camp. She is Director of Marketing and New Acquisitions. Her job is to manage our NityaLiving on Instagram and Facebook Pages – please Follow and Like us! Scout is also securing more classes and programs for the Nitya Living Yoga Teachers so that we can reach more children, collectively creating a culture of peace one child at a time.

We would love to hear feedback about the new website, name, and direction we are moving in.

Please note that my new email is and if you would like to book us for a session of classes or an in school mindfulness program, please email