Breath, inhaled runs like ice through my veins
Breath, a cloud wordless hovering outside my mouth
Breath, prana, life force, we collectively are one
Each day a new sun, each sky blooms with stars and clouds, each night a new moon
Each day a blessing – Each moment a gift – Each breath we are breathing breathes us further into this
Breath, captured in a sudden emotional gasp
Breath, exhaled like a kite stringed sigh
Breath, a beginning and ending repeated as if without end
Grateful, we pause
Grateful, we are aware
Grateful, we embrace
This gift, most precious – right there, in here within us each and all
Cupped, contained in a long sequence of exquisite breaths
Billions of them rolling like a blanket of stars over the Universe of our karmic journey
I am grateful for every one, every
By, Lydia Nitya Griffith
copyright 2014