When I first was researching last fall 2020 the astrology forecast for both the USA and President Joe Biden, I knew there was something coming. This foreboding feeling has been rising in me as a palpable anxiety. I hear from so many people how stressful and intense this time of Covid-19 has been. Many of us have lost work, businesses, loved ones, our normal way of living life. Adjusting to change is our daily coping mechanism and we are weary. This experience has been nothing short of de-stabilizing. Well, a shift is coming and it will be here 2024. I’ll share more about that in the next Blog post.
So as we are at a time of great endings, shifts, and transformation, recognize we are also ascending rapidly into what my daughter prophesied when she was 4 years old, the age of the Light people. We are evolving into the next period of human, and this is a human elevated above the mundane trappings of our world. With this evolutionary time we are living in, old systems are going to dissolve. Listen to any astrologer and they will confirm this.
As the next 2 years carries forward into a new Period of energy and being-ness, I looked over my notes about the forecast for President Biden and the USA. Interestingly I and they are all born on the Day of the Ox according to their Bazi 4 Pillars Chinese Astrology. It is a Year of the Ox as well. This signifies a direct hit to our welfare, our most intimate relationships, and to our very lives. Personally, I have felt like the Universe is playing a game of whack-a-mole with my life this year. I have experienced an intensely difficult year filled with painful loss, deep grief, and depression. I recognize this is part of my narrative for this year and come February 2022, things will shift and a New Year will bring a new prophecy. This is how we flow and roll with the ever changing energies of the Tao. But, and this is critical, the worst is not over yet.
The month of January is an Ox month in an Ox year, it is a final blow. It is a magnification of all our forecasts and it will be felt like a mighty last blow. Those of us born on the Day of the Ox, and, to some extent, the Year of the Ox already feel beaten down, vulnerable, weakened, and weary. Our President and our country are in a very precarious place. I intuit that something like violence towards the US, an illness or injury to President Biden are all very likely. In the midst of all this there is also the matter of the US economy.
I forecasted that 2021 was not the year for launching any big projects, to avoid investing, and to embody the Ox as in work hard and keep your nose to the grind stone. It has been a slow plodding along year. Keep pulling that load of your daily life, keep your focus in the now moment and rest whenever you get a chance. Self-care is critical this year, for all of us. As the US is in this precarious place, so too are all of its citizens. Be aware of your safety, make conscious decisions, cultivate compassion and patience like never before. December through January will be a grand finale to 2021 that will leave us shaken and changed as a nation. Then, in 2022, we will re-imagine our country and our lives in a fresh new way. It is in times of great suffering and loss that we learn to appreciate what we do have, what is possible, and, if we are brave enough, we can move forward not by walking alone, but by walking in concert with others. For it is community and connections that will be our new paradigm and it is just a couple years away from realizing itself. Stay grounded, stay clear, love deeply, and take great care.