It’s the Month of the Sheep in the Year of the Dog which means there is a lot of Earth energy, Yin and Yang – Sand and Mountain.

Just look at this year, halfway through now, and how this double Yang Earth may feel like a huge mountain blocking you like a great wall of rock, impenetrable, stubborn, and unyielding. Last month was a battle of the best energies and worst energies playing out in our homes and offices. Who won? Who is worn out from the struggle? Who is ready for a shift in the chi? Well here it comes….DOUBLED! Yep, July mirrors the Flying Stars of 2018.

Flying Stars Feng Shui starting July 7th
#9 Fire with the Annual Fiery 9 Star creating an inferno of powerful chi. There is potential for planting some serious seeds for your future, happy celebrations and gatherings. (a vision board and 9 silk purple flowers are suggested for this year)
#8 Star sits in the South East with the Annual 8 Star. We have a winner! This is THE BEST room to keep active, to do renovations, or make some happy noise. Money, money, money is flowing in so remove all obstacles of clutter and release this chi into your home – if this is your front entrance, use it. If this is a room with windows, open them or at least push the curtains aside to let the sun shine in. (A string of 8 coins and 8 Yellow or Red silk flowers in a pottery vase are ideal cures)
#7 Star is in the East with the Annual 7 Star which warns strongly of lawsuits, gambling, back stabbing, gossip, slander, injury with sharp objects, surgery, and violent arguments. Avoid using this entrance, keep curtains drawn, and entomb this energy with minimal activity. Quiet..shhhhh. Leave this beast and maybe it will sleep through the month. (Splashes of BLUE color will drain the negativity)
#6 Star joins forces with the Annual 6 Star bringing the potential for financial flow and successes in the South West. Enjoy utilizing this room and entrance – active chi will generate the best results! (a string of 6 Chinese coins is the best cure)
#5 Star is in the North with the Annual 5 Star. Yowza, duck and run. Wish this wasn’t my kitchen and back door : ( Sometimes these energies are unavoidable. The best you can do is instruct everyone to be hyper vigilant of making ANY noise or commotion. I actually put foam strips on the back porch door so it won’t slam closed. (cures can be Fu Dogs flanking the entrance, ba-gua mirror on the entrance door, wu lou health gourd by the bedside and the salt water cure also if this is a bedroom or room you frequent for more than a few hours a day) AVOID THIS ROOM AT ALL COST.
I’d rather sleep on the couch for the month than endure this wickedness. Please be most mindful inside and outside of your homes and offices. This is not an energy to be messed with – think of a swam of bees! NO FIRE of any kind here.
#4 Star rises up in the South and is fueled by the Fire in this direction. The Annual 4 Star happily welcomes this creative, inspired, romantic chi. Great place to put a love altar to manifest romance in your relationship or to bring a lover into your life. Artists of all kinds who work in the Southern part of their house or office will find great inspiration to create. (lush plants, 2 pink crystal hearts and 2 pink candles, and 4 stalks of lucky bamboo are wonderful cures)
#3 Star doubled with the annual Wood Star #3 in the North East is a bitch fest at its worst with potential for gossip, fighting, disharmony, and emotional distress. Best to keep this room quiet and avoid conversing or socializing in this room. (RED is your color to drain this nasty energy)
#2 Star sits in the West pairing up with the Annual 2 Star. Sickness plaguing your stomach, food poisoning, bloating, disease are inflamed this month. Use the same cures for the 5 Star here. AVOID this part of your home and office and outdoors too. NO FIRE of any kind.

#1 Star is in the NW with the Annual 1 Star which is an energy for success and overcoming obstacles in the best way. This is a positive chi to enjoy with the color BLUE and a single gold ingot or crystal.

I don’t sell cures online anymore but still have lots in stock. Just email me any inquiries.
The energy around us is in constant flux, ebbing and flowing. Learning to move with the energy in your home ensures you side step the worst and engage with the best for a harmonious, healthy, and prosperous life.