2017 Year of the Red Rooster

January 28th 2017 – February 16, 2018

Donald Trump

This is not a good line up for Mr. Trump as the Metal Ox fights with his Fire (support) and directly attacks him and his marriage. This is a very unstable situation. This is also a time in his life when he is more susceptible to accidents, illness and injury. There are many celebrations and causes for elation in these 10 years spanning November 2013 – 2023. He is in command of himself; confident, determined, decisive, and operating independently with a tight circle of friends and colleagues supporting him along the way. There is a steady stream of revenue from various resources. Infidelity is mentioned. Again, his health and overall wellbeing are compromised.

The Year 2017 foretells:

  • There is a Harm with the Rooster and the Dog as they work against each other.
  • He will gain support indirectly and find that this year is all about education as in, he has a lot to learn
  • This year is also a time for joy, for elation, for having cause to celebrate
  • It’s a new beginning, fragile, unsteady like a child learning to walk – again, he has a lot to learn

Month by Month: 


The year begins with prosperity, changes to property, moving, travel, and a very busy schedule. His wife figures prominently. His health is strong. Some legal matter may come up, or some other expense but nothing that isn’t easily dealt with. Patience, tolerance, and compassion go a long way when issues arise. A reason for celebration is noted as well.


The good news is he and Melania enjoy more romance this month and he finds a windfall of revenue is coming but then the bad news, which may or may not be so bad is unstable health, difficult and demanding people, and a threat to his wellbeing. Looks like a month to be mindful and things simple.


He finds himself continuously busy. Some people are not as available and sudden expenses are not welcome at all. But there is the chance that a little extra money finds its way back. Call it a draw for this month.


Challenging people are pushing him in an unwanted position. Being mindful of who he trusts and puts energy into may in the end be that the struggle is just not worth it. Legal matters could arise among other issues. He should try to be patient and tolerant through the process of remedying whatever is going on. A minor expense is noted. He is intuiting that something needs to change.

JUNE – Void

The focus is on faith and education – he has something to learn. His confidence soars as he finds friends and colleagues rally around him in support.

JULY – Void

Confident, capable, and independent he finds all the right people rallied around him making this a great month to socialize and collaborate. Deepen faith and be open to learning something new. An injurious person could be of threat, be aware.

These Void months add instability to his life and interactions with others.


And then suddenly it would seem the view out the window changed. Some people are distant, sudden loss of money suggests an expense he didn’t know was coming, and change itself is rising to the surface. Melania is mentioned. There is some income, moving house/ property, and travel too. Some aspect of his life is calling for profound change.


The air begins to cool and he finds himself feeling good; capable, decisive, self-possessed. All the right people are with him whether for work or friendship. Life is a blessing.


Change propels him into a new direction. Time to take a risk, be bold and daring. This may come at a cost but it could also be well worth it. Be smart and also be sure to listen to his intuition. There will be cause for joy at the end of the day. His faith is his guide in this time of transformation.


More fun and good times are ahead in the coming weeks. Melania plays a greater role. There is welcome revenue, opportunities for travel, and moving. Life is busy and abundantly full – gratitude.

DECEMBER – Romance

Money is coming in from all directions. Enjoy more romantic time with Melania. Focus is on property, travel, and moving. Health is a bit unpredictable. Overall, though, life is good.

JANUARY – Health and Safety Awareness

There is extra income. This is also a propitious time for connecting, colaborating, and socializing. He feels very good about himself. Now is when he should acknowledge all of his blessings and show gratitude.

Coming Up – The Earth Dog 2018 –

The double Yang Earth of this year emphasizes the Fire semi trio of Dog and Horse in his chart. Along with the Fire is all the Earth directly fueling an overinflated and imbalanced chart. This is someone who is so self-possessed it is very had to see beyond his own gold encrusted world. This year focuses on people who are not as directly available, a shift in allegiances and the potential for a lot of loss of income. There is cause for festivity, some of life to be enjoyed. Faith is mentioned as is a lesson to be learned. Being born in a Dog Year of 1946 and this 2018 being a Dog Year is considered an offense and could lead to more problems. This is a contentious year at best and one that will likely be costly.