There is so much to be said on this topic for this election season. Many of you have seen this commentary from previous elections when I give an unbiased analysis of each candidate and predictions for the outcomes from the debates and who will win the election come November. But this season is radically different from any I have witnessed. I think we can all safely say that no matter if you are Democrat, Republican, or Independent. In fact, when I was studying with my teacher, Dr. Paul Yan, this past spring neither of us could come up with a sound winner or fore runner for either party. For the first time I cannot see any of these people winning for various reasons and yet, one of them will be our next President.
Hillary Clinton
Born October 26, 1947
Year of the Fire Pig
Elements of Mrs. Clinton
(This is the natural cycle of elements as calculated by your personal chart)
Element of Self / Friends / Siblings (that which is a kin to you)
Earth – (Strong at 30%).
Element of Mother (that which nurtures you)
Fire – (Balanced at 20%).
Element of Creativity / Productivity / Children (that which you produce)
Metal – (Balanced at 18%)
Element of Prospering /Manifesting / Property/ Lover/ Wife (that which you control)
Water – (Balanced at 21%)
Element of Job / Boss/ Father (that which rules you)
Wood – (Weak at 11%)
Of the 4 Pillars the Hour represents your children, younger siblings and career,
The Day Pillar is who you are and who you attract romantically, the Month is your parents and older siblings, and the Year Pillar is your elders, grandparents, roots.
Everything in your life stems from your Day element and your Day animal. As we move through your chart you will learn more about how you relate to the people in your life, the balances and imbalances of your elements, your personal traits (strengths and weaknesses), why you are here, and what your destiny holds for the future.
The cycle of the 5 Element System in relation to you as an Earth person is this:
Earth is created or invigorated by Fire. Earth absorbs or controls Water so this is the element of all that you manifest and have control over. Earth is covered or controlled by Wood so this is the element that represents authority figures, your work, and all things that have power over you. Metal is the element that motivates you to be active, creative and engaged in life because this is what Earth produces. Earth with more Earth invigorates feeling supported and your inner self uplifted.
Ideally you have between 15 – 20% of each element to be balanced.
Evaluation of 4 Pillars:
This is found by relating the various elements to their position in your chart’s Day Pillar. As a result some relationships interact naturally, others clash but each holds your karmic lesson with each.
Husband/ Lovers – She looks for a man who is strong and in control of the relationship. He supports and helps her while also being a friend. They have things in common and have a strong connection that is deeply rooted. She is not going to give her man up easily.
Daughters/ Younger Sisters – For Hillary, Chelsey is a friend to her and while she still plays her role as mom, she engages with her most directly as a companion. This is a very close relationship.
Sons/ Younger Brothers – Had there been a son, she would have played more a paternal authoritative role.
Where are her children in her chart? Chelsey is right by her side. Sons are hidden, never manifested.
Where is Bill in her chart? He shows up most strongly at the age of 44 – 53, then in her early 60’s. But again, this is a relationship rooted in her sense of Self, they are truly a union.
Mother/ Elder Sisters – Her mother was also a dear friend and like with Chelsea there bond is intuitive, unconventional and nurturing.
Father/ Older Brothers – Her father was a joy; playful, and fun.
Where are her parents in her chart? Mom is rooted in her chart and that connection is also felt in Hillary’s relationship with Chelsey. Her father played a bigger more visible role.
Elder Male Relatives/ Grandfathers – These people were nurturing supports much like a mother figure. There were legal matters involved as well as instilling faith in Hillary.
Elder Female Relatives/ Grandmothers – These women may have left her an inheritance, loved her dearly, and played more of a father figure role of authority. They may have been critical and demanding.
Digging Deeper –
Hillary is a strong woman and her chart shows that she is balanced. This is someone who is very intelligent, innovative, and creative. She is a romantic and enjoys a socially active lifestyle. She has the potential for wealth and living an opulent life. She enjoys all things related to the arts and likes to keep her home well decorated. She is passionate about her family and her life.
Her chart is pretty tame, overall, aside from a semi Fire trio of Dog and Tiger. When you look at Bill’s presidency, it was during a time in her life that was strong in Wood which brings her great success and power. It’s like when Wood shows up, she is front and center stage.
In her current Luck Cycle from December 18, 2011 – 2021 she is in a time of the Fire Snake. The Snake is causing all kinds of commotion in her life from legal battles to greater potential for accidents. The Snake harms her Tiger, a direct hit to her wellbeing and marriage. The Snake harm to Tiger damages Wood while the Clash to her Pig damages her support systems. I would say this is not a time when she is feeling her full power but rather that her power is under attack and threatened.
The Zodiac Animals that influence your chart:
The Pig is overall who she is as this is her Birth Year. Pig people are calm, content, stress free and peace loving. Everyone loves them and they easily get along with others. They live life to the fullest and simply are happy people.
Pigs are enthusiastic, generous, outgoing, positive, and warm hearted but can also be hot tempered, excessive, gullible, naïve, and materialistic.
The Pig is:
Yang Water like a waterfall or a tropical storm
Time 9– 11 PM
Month of November in the season of Early Winter
The Direction of the North/ North West
The Tiger as her Day animal speaks more directly to who she is. Tigers are magnetic, motivating, and a good leader. They are adventurers and risk takers. They, like Pigs, live in the moment and live life passionately and with childlike enthusiasm. They are survivors, independent, and mavericks. Tigers can also be brave, generous, charming, idealistic, bold, optimistic, and independent but also reckless, impatient, hot-headed, emotional, aggressive, and rapacious.
The Tiger is:
Yang Wood – like a mighty oak tree
Time is 3 – 5 am
Month of February in the season of Early Spring
The Direction of the East/ North East
The Dog as your Birth Time Animal is seen as an Ascending Sign. This Animal also represents your career. The Dog imparts an ethical, principled nature, loyal and just in working with others. Fighting the fight for those who can’t.
Elemental Deficiencies:
Hillary is weak in Wood. Wood helps her find greater success and power in her career.
Wood Weakness Symptoms:
Difficulty concentrating
Not a math person
Mentally unhealthy
Nervous system
Conservative in business dealings
Moody and argumentative
Wood relates to the organs of the Liver, Gallbladder, Eyes, Ligaments, Nerves, Mood
Breaking down this election year:
The Fire Monkey on the positive side brings in support from many different resources and bolsters her significantly. But when you put the Luck Cycle Snake with her Tiger and the year’s Monkey you get a severe Fire Penalty which suggests greater chances for accidents and legal battles. The Monkey directly attacks her Tiger affecting her wellbeing and her marriage.
Donald Trump
Born June 14, 1946 9:54
Year of the Fire Dog
Elements of Mr. Trump
(This is the natural cycle of elements as calculated by your personal chart)
Element of Self / Friends / Siblings (that which is a kin to you)
Earth – (Excessively Strong at 59%).
Element of Mother (that which nurtures you)
Fire – (Excessively Strong at 42%).
Element of Creativity / Productivity / Children (that which you produce)
Metal – (Weak 4%)
Element of Prospering /Manifesting / Property/ Lover/ Wife (that which you control)
Water – (None Available 0%)
Element of Job / Boss/ Father (that which rules you)
Wood – (Weak at 13%)
Of the 4 Pillars the Hour represents your children, younger siblings and career,
The Day Pillar is who you are and who you attract romantically, the Month is your parents and older siblings, and the Year Pillar is your elders, grandparents, roots.
Everything in your life stems from your Day element and your Day animal. As we move through your chart you will learn more about how you relate to the people in your life, the balances and imbalances of your elements, your personal traits (strengths and weaknesses), why you are here, and what your destiny holds for the future.
The cycle of the 5 Element System in relation to you as an Earth person is this:
Earth is created or invigorated by Fire. Earth absorbs or controls Water so this is the element of all that you manifest and have control over. Earth is covered or controlled by Wood so this is the element that represents authority figures, your work, and all things that have power over you. Metal is the element that motivates you to be active, creative and engaged in life because this is what Earth produces. Earth with more Earth invigorates feeling supported and your inner self uplifted.
Ideally you have between 15 – 20% of each element to be balanced.
Evaluation of 4 Pillars:
This is found by relating the various elements to their position in your chart’s Day Pillar. As a result some relationships interact naturally, others clash but each holds your karmic lesson with each.
Wife/ Lovers – Their partner is a friend, an equal partner, and someone who supports and nurtures him indirectly. He holds a certain amount of control within the relationship too.
Daughters/ Younger Sisters – These women also offer him support that is very maternal in nature. Here we find the natural role of the daughter but there is risk of damage to their paternal relationship which can also include their brothers.
Sons/ Younger Brothers – This is a partnership, a friendship in which they share much in common but Donald does not take on a traditional role with any of his children.
Where are his children in his chart? Donald is closest with his daughters who is right by hos side. His sons are at the root of who he is.
Where is his wife in his chart? She is not there. In fact she only shows up sporadically in his adult life – ages 22 – 26, 51 – 56, and 77 – 81.
Mother/ Elder Sisters – This woman indirectly supported him, inspired and taught him while also having a close relationship with him in which they shared much in common and were good friends.
Father/ Older Brothers – His Dad was all about duty to the family, working to provide, and taking care of his responsibilities.
Where are his parents in his chart? His father is not there at all but his mother is and when you look at his life, you find his mom shows up in his late teens into mid-20s and his dad in his mid-50’s to late 60’s but that is it.
Elder Male Relatives/ Grandfathers – These people were nurturing supports much like a mother figure. There were legal matters involved as well as piety.
Elder Female Relatives/ Grandmothers – Here he loses money but gains in other support through wisdom and inspired guidance.
Digging Deeper –
Donald Trump is a loyal protector, a peacemaker, a dictator, an egomaniac, and is self-possessed. His chart is so completely off balance with almost all of his energy centered on himself and who supports him. He gives out very little.
The Horse sitting in his month gives him wealth, success, and the role of a strong leader and businessman. There is an Earth Harmony Pair, and a Fire Trio between the Dog, Sheep, and Horse all reinforcing his 2 dominant elements – Fire and Earth. A Major Punishment between the Dog and Sheep is now being actualized in his current Luck Cycle of the Ox. The Punishment suggests unorthodox relationships, and stress caused by his family. He also has something called Xiao Bird in his chart from all the Fire affecting money and business – look at his professional history and you’ll see he has had many troubles with lawsuits, bankruptcies, and other periodic downfalls. He does best when Water and Wood are available.
He is very intelligent, extremely self-interested, and is destined to reach a high level of success. He is good at finding short cuts to his goals even cheating if that becomes necessary. His is very innovative and creative. He is best suited to self-employment and needs to be the one calling the shots. He does not want to be told what to do. He’s very competitive, independent, and must be the leader. Controlling his emotions is the key to success in both professional and personal relationships. He can come off as aloof and self-centered. He also has a tendency to get involved in gambling or taking risks in business that are bad deals. He is an entertainer, has strict personal choices, is strong, stubborn, and overpowering.
In this current Luck Cycle that started November 15, 2013 he is being affected by a Metal Ox. The Metal fights with the Fire in his chart which is his supporters. The Ox creates a Major Punishment and also clashes with his Self. Ox and Sheep can make for some nasty upsets, shaky unstable situations which will directly impact him and his marriage. 2016 may be a great year for his businesses but not for winning a Presidential election. Plus the Monkey signifies Loss for him.
The Zodiac Animals that influence your chart:
The Dog is overall who he is as this is his Birth Year. Dog people are loyal, righteous, charitable, and a protector. They take life seriously and are forever trying to right the wrongs of the world. They operate on instinct and are very careful about when they act and when they wait it out. They are naturally pessimistic.
Dogs are compassionate, driven, loyal, responsible, idealistic, and trustworthy but can also be anxious, negative, judgmental, untrustworthy, cynical, and gloomy.
The Dog is:
Yang Earth – like a mountain
Time 7 – 9 PM
Month of October in the season of Late Autumn
The Direction of the West/ North West
The Sheep as your Day animal speaks more directly to who he is. Sheep are the peacemakers of the Zodiac. Calm, passive and recoiling from confrontation they are quiet, friendly and very adaptable. Sheep are sympathetic listeners and very sensitive. Sheep are natural artists whether it’s writing, drawing, music or design. Sheep can also be pessimistic, naïve, gullible, vulnerable and irresponsible.
The Sheep is:
Yin Earth – like sand
Time is 1 – 3 pm
Month of July in the season of Late Summer
The Direction of the West
The Snake as your Birth Time Animal is seen as an Ascending Sign. This Animal also represents your career. The Snake gives him attractiveness, objectivity, wisdom, and self-reflection.
Elemental Deficiencies:
Donald Trump is weak in Wood and Metal and has no Water in his chart. Water and Wood are his lucky elements as they draw him out of himself and allow him to be productive, manifest financially and find greater success.
Wood Weakness Symptoms:
Difficulty concentrating
Not a math person
Mentally unhealthy
Nervous system
Conservative in business dealings
Moody and argumentative
Wood relates to the organs of the Liver, Gallbladder, Eyes, Ligaments, Nerves, Mood
Water Weakness Symptoms:
Rigid in dealing with others
Bone illness
Bladder dysfunction
Sexuality issues
Lower kidney energy
Alcohol or drug abuse
Water relates to the organs of Kidney, Sexual Organs, Bladder, Bone, Teeth, Ear
Metal Weakness
Unhealthy colon or large intestine
Sickness of the lungs
Loss of confidence
Poor time management
Difficulty carrying out plans
Skin diseases
Metal relates to the organs of the colon, lungs, large intestines, hair, skin and nose
Breaking down this election year:
We already have stated that the Fire monkey is a good sign for business but not necessarily for winning a major election. Add to this energy sandwich his current Luck Cycle which fights with his supporters and clashes badly with his own Self represented by the Sheep. That Ox Sheep Clash is brutal to his own wellbeing as well as his marriage.
The Republican National Convention begins July 18th and mirrors this unfortunate Luck Cycle. This is not a good sign for him at all. July 19th surges more Fire into his chart and possibly more investments. The best possible day of the convention for him would be July 20th which is a Water Rabbit day and gives him the Water and Wood energy he needs except that the Rabbit combines with his Dog to make more Fire. By the last day July 21t a Wood Dragon day, his Dog clashes with the Dragon which destabilizes his supporters and his funding leaving him standing alone.
First Presidential Debate September 26
HILLARY: This day brings in a lot of Metal to Hillary’s chart which depletes her power but motivates her to be very creative and productive. The Month of the Rooster combines with her Dog and also with her Luck Cycle Snake to blow out a ton of Metal – output, action, go! Furthermore the Water of this Pig Day invigorates some direct wealth and power for her.
This initial debate Hillary should come out with guns raised ready to show her stuff. Stand back.
DONALD: This day fights with his Fire affecting his supporters. The month of September is a Metal month which combines with his Dog and his Snake to release Metal which is an enemy to his followers, and to those who support and fund him. Furthermore the Water of this Pig Day puts out his Fire, or tries to, this is creating a mounting threat to his being well supported after this debate.
This initial debate does not look to be one that will win him any followers or additional support.
Calling this one to Hillary.
2nd Debate October 9th
HILLARY: The Day brings Water and Wood which again puts her in the seat of power and money. Her Pig combines with the Rat Day to surge money in her direction. The month directly speaks of her ability to feel directly supported. I think we know where this is going.
DONALD: Here the day is his needed elements of Water and Wood. The Rat clashes with his Horse and threatens to affect his financial standing as well as his authority. This debate will be a different flavor and I have a feeling we will see a different version of Trump this time. We shall see.
Leaning towards Hillary.
3rd Presidential Debate October 19th
HILLARY: Who schedules these events? A double Dog influence pits these two opponents against each other in a real duel. For Hillary this day is all about her and we may see more personal attacks against her but at the end of the night, her supporters will be there to bandage any wounds. She has the voters support.
DONALD: This puts 3 Dogs into his ring of Fire and Earth and he will likely come out with fangs bared and ready for a big fight. This one I think he will hold nothing back. It could get ugly.
Last one standing wins.
Now as far as the VPs go, Mike Pence is a Monkey Day with a Pig year – June 7, 1959 (no time known). Trump is a Sheep day with a Dog year. Dogs and Monkeys are not an ideal connection beyond the superficial joking around. Dogs and Pigs, on the other hand can mutually benefit if the Dog doesn’t push his agenda too hard. Pigs and Sheep can support each other and work creatively. Without Pence’s time it’s hard to say what his chart truly reveals but as it stands, they both are very powerful, egocentric men. Pence is a man in conflict with him Self and this current Luck Cycle washes in a lot of Water which weakens his strength and puts his energy into being very active and productive. The surge of Water threatens the Fire in his chart which is his place of power.
Tim Kaine is a double Dog (we have a lot of Dogs in the election this year) February 26, 1958 7:59 am. His Dog directly respects Hillary’s Tiger and their relationship is very harmonious. His Dog and her Pig also benefit from each other as long as the Dog doesn’t push his agenda too hard. His entire chart is Yang making him a very emotional, direct, and out spoken person. This time in his life brings a lot of Metal which shifts his chart from one of productivity into one of power and success. Well into his early 70’s this vital energy will put him in a very advantageous place in his career. Water is his friend and support.
The VP Debate Oct. 4th
Kaine has a lot of success, power and money in this debate. There is a Clash with his Dogs and the Rooster of the month but there is so much Metal influence that I think if he takes a hit, it will be minor. The Fire influence will give him energy to put his agenda on the table with innovation and forethought.
Pence will find direct support of the Earth and Metal influences coming from supporters from various sources. The Fire adds success and power. This will no doubt be a tough battle and I think both men will come out with positives – Call it a draw.
Election Day November 8th
HILLARY: The Month of the Pig brings her money, power and support from other constituents. I’m guessing that many people will jump party line here. The Wood and Fire of the Horse day gives her even more power and support to be very successful.
TRUMP: The Month of the Pig clashes with his Hour Snake, the domain for his career, and the Water puts out the Fire. This means his support is damaged. The Day meanwhile puts more Earth and Fire into his chart giving him even more power and self-confidence. Tough call but I am going to lean towards a Hillary win.