Tonight the Full Moon rises is in the sky and ends the Year of the Wood Sheep. Here in Richmond, VA, she left in her path a mess of a snowstorm. But despite the snow or whatever weather you might be contending with, now is the time to get your cures outside for a FULL MOON CLEANSE.
After you’ve done the Full Moon Cleanse bring your items inside douse them with sea salt and bathe in clean water to recharge them. Throughout the cleaning process say a prayer, mantra or blessing to clear these sacred items so they are fully charged for the New Year. *Ba-Gua Mirrors and Coins must be replaced every year as they hold too much chi to be reused.
Get your house in order:
· Go through closets, replacing things that are worn out and dated

· Refold the linen closet, neaten drawers and closets so that even Martha Stewart would be proud

· Have a friends clothes swap party

· Make improvements to your home both inside and out

· De-clutter as if you were moving, unload all that stuff and send it off to thrift stores

· Go through your kitchen cupboards too and prepare to get really healthy in 2016 by getting rid of all the processed foods and donate it to a food bank. When you look in your kitchen the shelves should be empty because most of what you are eating should be whole grains, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, some dairy, nuts, and seeds. Need inspiration? Scroll through my Yoga with Nitya Blog for easy recipes and weekly menus

· Trim trees, remove dead foliage, beautify the yard, and make plans for your spring garden – nothing like growing your own food

· Get your financial affairs in order – pay off debts and make sure clients have paid invoices

· Clean out your car and make sure it is up on all its servicing needs

· Get a haircut and attend to your own health by making those annual appointments now

Have all of your cures in place BEFORE Feb. 8th but no sooner than Feb. 4th

Gung Hai Fat Choi!