Saturday November 10, 2013 was the day of the “Yoga with Nitya” DVD release party. We held this momentous celebration in the same beautiful room where the DVD was filmed at the Orchard House School. It was humbling to see so many families come out to show their support, love and devotion to me as their child’s yoga teacher. The students I saw that afternoon spanned the seven years of my teaching and reflected for me the journey I have been on and am now taking into a new broader, national direction.

This was also also a time to honor and recognize the magnificent talent that went into the creation of the DVD from the production crew of Park Group to the marketing genius of Rocket Pop who designed and created this new fabulous website and the exceptional talent of Marc Langelier who put music to my yoga stories and songs and has given the class experience a whole new vibe. Of course the video would have been nothing without the 15 little yogis who starred in it and they were gifted with their own copy of the DVD at the release party. Lastly, there is one very improtant person in my life, a woman who is a yoga mom, a mentor and friend – Emmy Award winner, Roberta Oster Sachs. On Saturday I offered her the Gift of Ganesh. I phrase it this way for a reason, Ganesh is a Hindu deity symbolic of new beginnings and overcoming obstacles. Ganesh is always gifted and never bought for oneself. A friend of mine gave me this large brass Ganesh when she was leaving Richmond for California just when I was beginning my journey with teaching yoga. That Ganesh graced my yoga studio for 2 years and when the recession hit and the studio closed, that Ganesh came home to my office. So now it has a new home and a new journey with Roberta, right at a time when I feel my path of living yoga is taking a significant change in direction.

Ultimately, my success is shared with everyone who financially backed, aided in the creation of, starred in and supported in infinite other ways this project. This “Yoga with Nitya” DVD is just the beginning, there are more DVDs to come, a book next year and a road to be traveled beyond Richmond. As I said to a student the other day, “I am pulling the yoga wagon behind me and you are all invited to jump in and enjoy the ride with me!”